#169 – Our Hope is in God

This morning I was wondering why God wasn’t opening to me the next post that had been formulating in my spirit, but then at 10:15 I received this email from a trusted sister.


Good morning, brother! It took a long time for me to wake up this morning as I was in some sort of in-between place where I was present in an earthly body yet experiencing heavenly things in the invisible world.

I awoke to the government of heaven, the throne room and the sounds emanating from there, a throbbing sound, the busyness of God’s emissaries at work, the TRUE government of which we are a part and whose KING we are to serve. I didn’t actually “see” Jesus but His Kingship was irrefutable.

As I pondered what this meant and why it was being revealed to me, it seemed that God wanted to “set” into my heart and mind that though our earthly government is falling apart all around us, His heavenly kingdom continues “as usual” and His Lordship (who He is) is not affected by the works of darkness in our land. It is this “eternal” government that we can stake our hope in, it is this “eternal” King that we can place our hope in for He is unchanging.

Also, a secondary thing…I heard the message that we as Christians spend far too much time focusing on ourselves and trying to understand His authority so we can have it in our lives. BUT, the message seemed to be that if we turn our eyes away from ourselves and to Him instead, and focus on HIS everlasting kingdom where He can’t be dethroned…we will intuitively know that if we are in Him, we can’t be moved either.

How incredibly opposite this revelation of the Heavenly kingdom is to the one I shared in September regarding the earthly kingdom we are experiencing in the U.S.?   WOW! Praise God! This is hope filled!

Blessings – – your sister.

See Eph. 1:19-23: https://biblia.com/bible/esv/ephesians/1/19-23

Ken Stoltzfus
Kidron, Ohio USA
Oct. 8, 2021 

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