Little in life better defines which of the two spirit-kingdoms we find our core identity in, then what we do with our money. “Follow the money” doesn’t only apply to politicians.
ROI is a measure used to evaluate the performance of an investment, or to compare one investment to another. Should Christians look at that differently than others do?

We earthlings are short-sighted, easily forgetting that a million-billion years is only the first day of eternity. For all. The only true “long-term investments” are those made in the Kingdom of God.
What do we dream of doing or having if we had an extra $1,000, $10,000 or $1M? Do we picture 10 or 1,000 or + + + coming to Jesus for eternal life because of our investments? Jesus said, “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Mt. 6:21 nasb) Our “heart” (Strongs 2588, kardia), speaks of our appetites, desires, passions.
How seriously do we take Jesus’ “Do not – -” of Mt. 6:19, and His “But – -” of v20? Did He make some assumptions about our use of resources in Acts 1:8b, “and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth?”
I’m speaking only of our surplus over what we need for enterprise that God has called us to, plus that needed to provide for a modest lifestyle for ourselves and those we are responsible for. What happens after that? Are responsible financial planning, and trying to assure we have “enough” for the future without depending on God, two different things?
What kind of “inheritance” are we most eager to pass on to our children?
And now back to Return On Investment. What better ROI is there, than to invest in those who are reaching those who will reach still others? That kind of multiplication is happening all over the world, and it is the kind of investment that will excite those whose identity and sense of purpose is most connected to the purposes of our Father.
Ken Stoltzfus, Kidron, OH USA
Aug. 29, 2020
CLICK HERE for printable pdf – – FACEBOOK: Ken Stoltzfus – Kidron
Thanks Ken for this insight from the Lord. I want to let you know that every time we have a client at the pregnancy center surrender their life to Christ I think of you. You have always so supported us in putting this first. Three weeks ago one of our clients re-dedicated her life to Christ after a long road of darkness. After she shared her commitment with our staff and was on her way I wondered what you would have said to us! Thanks for always being an encouragement to me and for all you do for God’s kingdom