#134 – Foreshadows of Despotism

Despotism: “oppressive absolute power and authority exerted by government.” (Merriam-Webster.)

America is facing a kind of darkness that we never imagined possible. Sure, there was Germany’s Hitler, China’s Mao Zedong and others through history – – but this is the United States of America. “Christian America.” Those things don’t happen here. Except that – – -.

In WW-I and WW-II America stood with other nations in their battle against despots, but what we see today is different. For the first time, the despotic spirit is global and we are not exempted. Covid-19 and our society’s mindless surrender to the absurd demands of despotism-empowered woke influencers confirm that and foreshadow what is being planned for us.

It’s a wakeup call to all who have any sense of end time events including one-world government and its financial systems and ability to identify, separate, track, and thus control us.

Obviously, the greatest despot ever is Satan, and when he controls national leaders they become despotic. We have heretofore been protected from such leaders but history does repeat itself and America will suffer as Israel suffered when they rejected God.

We have never been this vulnerable to a mortal enemy. This unprotected. This unprepared. This naive. However, nor has there ever been a time when those who have eyes to see, could see God moving so powerfully and globally.

Iran is the fastest growing church in the world. Afghanistan is second and the blood of martyrs there in September 2021 will draw many Jihadists and others to Jesus. There the tension is between Islam and Christianity but in our coming suffering it will include the institutional church versus the being-purified Church.

We have no reason to believe that we are immune from the oppression and suffering that follow despotic leaders, and we would do well to turn our eyes toward God as Israel did in II Chron. 20:12 which concludes with, “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” (niv)

Are they?

Ken Stoltzfus
Kidron, Ohio USA
September 2, 2021

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