10minas Blog

How are we doing with the treasure entrusted to all who are born-again,
so that we might glorify God through holy living and fruitful service?

See Jesus' Parable of the Minas, Luke 19:12-27

What you'll find at the 10minas Blog...

Jesus spoke gently and kindly to children and to people in need, but He had high expectations and strong words for those who claim to be His disciples. You will be challenged to think critically about how seriously we are taking Him, and will be invited to engage with Him in the most exciting and rewarding adventure that you could imagine.

That something big is going on in our world is obvious to many. 10Minas is based on an assumption that, just as God orchestrated things in Rome and Israel, and had special people in certain places for specific reasons for the first coming of Jesus, so He is aligning things today for another great event.

Luke 19:12-27

Turbine Engine

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Our Latest Blogs...

24-6, Countdown to 500, Anabaptist Reformation II?

You know that I join those who see difficulties ahead for America. Our nation is in trouble and the Church is not prepared to serve God in the mighty harvest that many envision in that time. Sure, we know how to make good Baptists, Mennonites, Methodists or name your brand, but are we ready to…
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24-5, Oh My, How Things Have Changed!

I had flown one hour in the past eight years because of my heart issues, but I’m doing well now and recently decided that I’d better get started if I hope to fly more before I get old. I went down to Heavenbound Aviation (heavenboundaviation.com) to get a Biennial Flight Review (in a 1946 Taylorcraft),…
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24-4, BOOKENDS, A Truth that Matters

My second recent effort, “BOOKENDS, A Truth That Matters,” will encourage your pursuit of Jesus and the Life He calls us to. Genesis to Revelation recounts the story of God saying to man, “I want to make life good for you, but you need to do it my way,” and man often responding “Thanks anyhow…
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24-3, Blocking Out those Alarms

Several weeks ago I was awakened around two a.m. by an ear-piercing sound that I assumed was a smoke alarm. I keep the house cool, and there I was in my boxers, all cozy under the blanket with little interest in getting up and going out to the garage for a ladder and then down…
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24-2, What’s That Sound I Hear?

Marvin became my first flight student in 1963 when we were both orderlies in a hospital in New Hampshire. He went on to become an accomplished corporate pilot, a true professional, and at his passing he had many more flight hours that I have and an almost-stellar career. Airplanes with retractable landing gear have a…
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24-1, “An Invitation into THE GOOD LIFE”

I am offering three books including two new ones, and will be posting them here one at a time. The first is “An Invitation into THE GOOD LIFE”, and I think you’ll love it. THE GOOD LIFE is an invitation into the abundant life that Jesus won for us on the cross and in His…
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#281 – Perspective, One Year Later

It is Sept. 22, 2023. One year ago today my Elaine slipped into the glorious and pain-free presence of Jesus. In spite of his personal loss, how could a rational man argue with God about that? The lingering fragrance of the memories of our nearly 63 wonderful years together makes it seem like a short…
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280 – Partners in Sorrow & Joy

I am touched by several things as we approach the Sept. 22, one-year mark of Elaine’s departure into the presence of Jesus. First is the memory of how friends and family stepped up to our needs for the two months just before she slipped away. There was some concern about how it might go when…
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#279 – My Brother?

I once had a brother    a twin like no other. We walked and we talked,   and we loved and we fought   but we’d be true to the end   ‘cause we were those “Stoltzfus twins.” But now he’s with Jesus.    and he left me alone.Or did he? There was one we called Father   and that…
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#278 – Questions

Questions Who am I? What defines me as a person among others,    to me?   And to them? Is it things of the earth   or those of God and His Kingdom? How do others “measure” me as compared to themselves   and to our culture, society      and church? How do I want them to measure me?…
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